Environment Transportation Meteorology

Precipitation Phenomenon Instrument

Release time:2018-05-23 10:33:36Read times: time



 System Overview

The Precipitation Phenomenon Instrument operates on optical principles to detect key characteristics of precipitation particles—such as quantity, size, and velocity—under various weather conditions. It accurately retrieves current weather phenomena, facilitating the automation of meteorological precipitation observations.

System Features:

Automatic Observation and Identification: Capable of automatically observing and identifying rain, drizzle, snow, sleet, and hail.

High Sensitivity: Accurately recognizes different precipitation weather phenomena.

Output of Raindrop Spectrum Information: Provides detailed raindrop spectrum data.

Real-time Online Monitoring: Continuous monitoring available around the clock.

Optically Isolated Communication Lines: Enhanced anti-interference capability.

Compact and Lightweight: Designed for easy deployment and handling.



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